Developmental Checks

A developmental check is carried out by the doctor when the baby is six weeks old. This is a good time to discuss the vaccination and immunisation of the baby which we encourage in all children, save in rare circumstances.

The doctor will complete a medical examination at six to eight weeks followed by your baby's first injections given by the practice nurse.

A further developmental check is carried out at eight months of age by the health visitor and a medical with the GP.

Thereafter, developmental checks are offered on an individual basis until the child starts school.

Sick Children

Sick children are seen in normal surgery hours and will always be seen by a doctor (or nurse practitioner) on the day of request, though their usual one may not be available.

Family Planning

We have a full range of family planning advice and contraceptive methods available.

For men, a vasectomy can be arranged and performed at the Parkside Surgical Centre on referral from the GP.

All doctors can prescribe emergency contraception. Please let the receptionist know you need an immediate appointment.

Practice Nurse Team 

If you would like to see one of the practice nurses you can book an appointment via reception. The nurses offer a wide range of services including prescribed injections, holiday and childhood vaccinations, ear syringing, fasting blood tests, ECGs, Spirometry, assisting with minor surgery and much more.

They also offer routine appointments for patients diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, COPD, hypertension, CHD and CKD.

Other services provided are:

  • Coil annual checks and cervical smears.
  • Smoking cessation
  • NHS Health Checks for ages 40 to 74. (An appointment will be sent to you in the post).

Vaccinations and Immunisations for Children

These are usually carried out by our nursing team on a Tuesday afternoon 11:45- 5.30pm.

Cervical Smears

All women between the ages of 25 and 64 should be screened when they receive a recall letter. This can be arranged through our practice nurses or by your usual doctor during normal surgery times.

Appointments for either should be made with the receptionist. Results of smears are posted to your home address about a fortnight later.

Remember to book your cervical screening. Cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts. 

Blood Clinic

A daily clinic for taking blood is held each morning. If you are given a form by a doctor or hospital consultant please bring it with you when you attend the clinic. You MUST have a form when attending the clinic because there are numerous types of blood tests and the phlebotomist will not know what blood test you require without the form.

The morning clinic is by appointment. Please book in at reception on arrival.

Travel Vaccinations 

Travel vaccinations are best given six to eight weeks before travel. Not all vaccines are FREE some may incur charges.

Before you book your appointment please complete a pre-travel questionnaire available at reception and return it completed to the surgery at least one week before your appointment. 

Please allow 5 working days after handing in the form or completing the form online before contacting the Medical Centre for an appointment.

If the nurses find you are up to date with vaccinations they will contact you to cancel your appointment.

If three or more countries are to be visited, we request that you visit which provides a 'Health Brief' at a small cost. This is invaluable for the traveller with complicated needs such as a gap year student.

Minor Surgery

A range of minor surgical procedures are provided by the Medical Centre. Some more complicated procedures will be referred to the Parkside Surgical Centre.

Community Nursing Team 

The Community Nursing Team provides home visits to housebound patients. This is usually on a temporary basis but in exceptional circumstances might be on a long term basis. When the patient is no longer confined to their home they will be asked to return to the Medical Centre for their care.

The community nurses usually visit housebound patients between 9.00am to 5.00pm. If you need to speak to the community nursing team please call (01205) 366273.

The Care of Mothers and Young Children 

As soon as you find out you are pregnant it is recommended that you register your pregnancy via the Lincolnshire Patient Portal. New expectant mothers' booking clinics are held on a Tuesday, these appointments are booked directly by the midwife and not via the practice. This appointment will last about an hour and you will discuss things like where you would like you baby to be delivered, the different types of tests available and scan dates. You will be given a hand-held record which you will need to bring with your whenever you attend an appointment or go to the hospital.

These appointments can be made at Parkside reception.

If you require non-urgent advice please call (01205) 445414 between 9.00 - 10.00am on any day of the week (including weekends). For URGENT ADVICE please call (01205) 445424 (Labour Ward).

All of your following appointments will be at the Sure Start Centre, Carlton Road, Boston PE21 8QX and will be made by the Midwife.

A Midwife from the community team will visit you at home once the baby is born to give post-natal advice and carry out a newborn screening check prior to handing over care to the Health Visitor.

The Health Visiting Team 

Families with a new baby or a pre-school child transferring in will be allocated a named Health Visitor who will make contact with the family. Care will then be provided to the family by a member of the health visiting team, at the Parkside Medical Centre, the Children’s Centre or the family home until the age of five, when care will be transferred to the school nurse.

There are two Child Health Clinics available by appointment:

Wednesday 10.00am - 12.00 noon at Boston Health Clinic

Thursdays 12.30 to 2.30pm at Carlton Road Children's Centre

Well Baby Clinics are NOT FOR SICK CHILDREN but to advise on the general care of the baby to ensure normal development and a healthy childhood. If your child is ill please make an appointment with the GP (see below). The health visiting team can be contacted Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm on (01205) 367037.